Transform Items

The Imposition feature allows users transform objects on a page. The following InDesign Transform options are supported:

  • Rotatation (counter clock-wise)
  • Translate
  • Scale
  • Shear

To apply transform options to a document, an Imposition must be created then applied to the document.

Access Transform Options

To access the Impositions view, first click on the Catalog menu option, then Impositions.

Next, click on the Create Imposition button located on the Impositions view.

The Create Imposition dialog box will appear. Refer to the table below for configuration information.

Name Description
Name This is the name of the Imposition that will be applied to a catalog item.
Pages Per Spread

The number of pages that will be grouped into a single spread in the output PDF.

Spread Layout Orientation

If the "Vertical" option is selected, pages are added above or below each other. If Horizontal is selected, pages are added to the left or right of each other.

Place pages after each other If this option is not selected, page 2 will be inserted before page 1. If this option is selected, each page will be placed after each other.

The following transform options are available for configuration:

  • Page Number: This is the page number where the transform settings will be applied to.
  • Rotation (Counter Clock-wise): The angle the page should be rotated by. Negative values will rotate the page in a clockwise direction.
  • Translate: Input a value to reposition the object.
  • Scaling: A value of "1" leaves the page as is, "2" doubles the page size and negative values are valid.
  • Shear: Input a value to alter the angle of the vertical or horizontal axes of the object.

Once the imposition has been configured, it can be linked to the appropriate catalog item.

Link Imposition to Catalog Item

The catalog item containing the objects that will be transformed must be linked to the configured Imposition. First access the Catalog Item from the dashboard. Next, click the Edit button and then the Profile & Imposition tab.

Select the configured Imposition from the Imposition drop-down menu and then click the Save button.

View Output

Once the configured imposition has been linked to the appropriate catalog item, generate a PDF preview to view the output.